Like other forms of energy, Heating Oil belongs to the commodities group and its volatility provides many opportunities for traders to make a profit. Its prices are affected by supply and demand which can be influenced by many factors. This liquid petroleum product which is derived from crude oil is a distillate and its characteristics is quite similar to jet and diesel fuels.
Take Advantage of Both Falling and Rising Heating Oil Price Movements
You can trade heating oil on the most advanced platforms enjoying high leverage, competitive spreads and other important features for a more profitable trading experience. With CFDs (Contracts for Difference) you can invest on this commodity and enjoy live market rates and fast executions. Via CFDs, you will be placing a speculative order to Buy or Sell a certain amount of heating oil and the changes in its price will be the basis of your profit or loss. Let’s say, you believe that its value will rise. That means you need to execute a Buy trade of let’s say 30 CFDs at the price of 45. If the asset’s price rose by 15 points to 60 and you decided to close your position then you made a profit of $450 or 15 multiplied by the 30 contracts that you bought!
Opportunities From the Volatility of the Heating Oil Market
Interested to trade heating oil CFDs? There’s no need to go anywhere else because we’ve done a thorough investigation on which brokerages offer the best platforms with the most optimal trading conditions. Our financial experts have reviewed the most trustworthy companies that offer heating oil trading for your convenience with all of the top features that you as a trader need to know. Start trading this commodity with these trusted and fully regulated brokers!
Trusted and Regulated Brokers Where You Can Trade Heating Oil CFDs
Broker | Features | Rating | Official Site |
Min Deposit: $100 Regulation: FCA, ASIC, CySEC |
95 |
Min Deposit: $100 Regulation: CBI, ASIC, FSC, FSA, FSB |
94 |